Al and Sue Present:  California, Including


Slide Shows

Yosemite Valley

Glacier Point and Mariposa Grove

Yosemite High Country

San Francisco, Monterey, and Mono Lake     

Lunar Rainbow

When we visited Yosemite National Park in 2004, one of our goals was to see and photograph the lunar rainbow at Yosemite Falls.  We had heard about the phenomenon during our 1998 visit.  During the spring, when Yosemite Falls is full of water, and when the moon is full, the angle is just right to create a rainbow by the light of the moon for about a half hour or so.  This does occur at a few other places in the world, but it is not very common.  The angle has to be just right for the light of the moon to illuminate the waterfalls in such a way as to create a rainbow

On the night of the full moon in early June, we went to Lower Yosemite Falls, set up our camera equipment just before sunset and waited.  Turns out we waited until 11:30 pm, but it was worth it!  The rainbow was much more beautiful than the one that forms in the morning.  We were able to get a couple good images.  The exposures were about two minutes long at maximum aperture.  We hope you enjoy our picture of a lunar rainbow!

Lower Yosemite Falls, Night and Day

Full Moon: 11:30 PM, 02-JUN-04

115 Seconds @ f2.6    

Larger Image

Simulation of Night Vision

Morning: 8:55 AM, 3-JUN-04

1/220th Second @ f5.3




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